Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hummers & Pantaloons

Where have I been, some may wonder?

Theoretically, I have designing up a storm...but that is not entirely true.  I have been trying to get through the winter and have also been recovering from being rear-ended by a Hummer several weeks ago, the driver of which I suspect had been drinking.  I cannot prove it, especially now that weeks have passed and I didn't call the police on the spot; however, I do know that he was driving impaired, and that is why he ran into my Jeep and caused me a lot of physical pain and suffering, not to mention damage to my vehicle...and this was well under 40 km/hr. 

It could have been a LOT worse and in hindsight, I wish I HAD called the police on the spot so that they could test him for alcohol consumption.  I just hope that he doesn't hurt anyone else, or worse cause a fatality....that would be terrible. 

This did not start out as a lecture about drunk driving or driving under the influence but I just want to remind is NOT worth risking lives to drive your vehicle if you have had too much to drink. So please, have someone who has not been drinking drive you to your destination, or get sober before you get into your vehicle.  I will be suffering with a sore back, headaches and all-over soreness for months, but I am one of the lucky ones!!

Well, that is what I have been doing.  I will be gearing up for more designing in the next few come in and see what new things I have created.  Spring arrivals from other designers will also be coming in this week and for the next few months after that....lots of great, urban-romantic clothing and jewellery....and the PIRATE wench tops...they are finally on their way to Tattered Rose!

By the way, last Spring I made myself a pair of grey ruffled pantaloons...and they got so much attention, I made a pair to sell in the shop, even though they take a surprisingly long time to make.  Well, some lucky young woman bought them on the spot because she loved the historical romance of them worn in a modern way.  This week, I created another pair,  in a beautiful vintage grey washed silk...with self fabric bows and ruffled bottoms!  Too cute! 

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