Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frivolous Fashion or Life Must Go On?

I am in the business of selling, jewellery, accessories....and yet it all seems so unimportant at this moment with the tragedy going on in Haiti.

I cannot bring myself to watch the news clips on television because I fear I would start crying and never stop.  It is heartbreaking, to say the least and I wish that I could afford to travel there and help...BUT I cannot.  I must remain here in Edmonton, hoping that these unfortunate people will get all of the help they need & deserve, while I tend to my shop.  It is how I make my living so as unimportant as it seems right now, I must carry on selling beautiful clothing to my customers.  I must keep on designing the most romantic one-of-a-kind things for people to wear so that I can earn a living.  It is one of those unfortunate dichotomies of life...tragedy & sadness makes you want to stop...but life must go on.  You have to keep going or everything dies.

So, inspite of the sadness my heart feels for the people in Haiti (and other parts of the world where people are suffering) I have to keep up with Tattered Rose and all of the new things arriving for Spring.  It is not easy to be happy about stuff like that when you know that people are struggling with the loss of their loved ones or even just to survive. My prayers are with them.

A double-edged sword for sure!

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