Friday, March 6, 2015

A Personal Story From Me.....

Note: None of these pictures are of me.
If you are a regular customer of Tattered Rose, you are used to seeing a brunette (me) in the store and a brunette (me) helping you find your perfect outfit.....and a brunette (me) chatting away, laughing at her own jokes.

That is going to change.....because I have decided to allow my 50 shades of grey to grow in, after 20 some years of colouring to hide them.

The first month (which was January of this year) I covered my roots with a brown hair crayon and it was hard to tell what was going on with my hair.

But now, into my 3rd month, my silver/grey roots are over 1" long and really prominent on top of my head and I am no longer covering them up......scary? You bet! I also chopped about 4" of dark brown off my head, getting rid of some of the darkness and am left with a shaggier bob than before and a whole lot of silver strands peaking out at the sides and back. I'm pretty sure that I will let my hair grown out again but who knows? This is like a very personal journey and it is at the same time, exciting, scary, empowering, liberating and natural. 

Many of my customers know that grey is my favourite colour and I am looking forward to having my hair match most of my clothing & jewellery, which ranges from black to grey with a smidgen of brown. I'm not sure how brown clothing will look with my grey once it has fully grown out, so I'll just wait and see.

I've received many different responses from "Good for you" to "It will look great on you" to "Why would you do that?" and I have come close to giving into the vicious cycle of colouring my hair, having it look good for about a week, seeing roots, covering them up with a hair crayon until I can't stand it any more and it's time to colour again after only 4 weeks.

To keep myself going, I read stories of other brave women who decided to do the same thing, and then I look at pictures of women with all shades of silver and grey hair, thinking that they are all so individual and beautiful and striking. I'll settle for "striking" because I sure ain't beautiful.

P.S. Thanks for reading my story. Next time you come in, at least you will know that my grey roots are intentional and not a matter of laziness on my part. Wish me luck!

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