Sunday, September 28, 2014

A No-Nonsense Blog Entry by Tattered Rose

Someone wrote to me about my blog...a person who lives in Europe and owns a string of boutiques.  He said, in his broken English "It is amazing that you give all of these ideas (on your blog) for free."

That really struck a cord in me because it has been one of my biggest fears:  showing too much online of what Tattered Rose is about can lead to misuse of my ideas....right down to the name "Tattered Rose" which was invented by me 16 years ago.  I know exactly why I chose this name for my business while all these other people who steal the name most likely think "Wow. That's a great name to use for MY business!" 

Without any regard for the meaning behind the name, they go on to use "Tattered Rose" or something almost identical for their own blogs, websites or stores. I realize that there is nothing I can do about that but I know without a doubt, that it came from my mind, my heart and soul. Tattered Rose evokes my spirit and thoughts on how I want my shop to be perceived and the type of clothing and jewellery I have sold and designed for 16 years. And I have come to realize, after many years of worrying about it, that they can never really copy Tattered Rose because it is my store and my heart is in every square inch of the shop.

Tattered Rose, the one and only original Tattered Rose, has changed a little over the years....we have grown in ways that were necessary with the changing times but one thing remains constant:
Our love of romantic, vintage-inspired and hand made clothing that will always be who we are. We also want to help women to realize their full potential and perhaps to try dressing the way their hearts want it's not JUST about selling stuff. It's much more than that!

One of my dear customers who was in the store yesterday, told me that she sends people into my shop all the time with a "warning" something along these lines:

The owner is a little bit different but don't be offended when she is honest about what looks good on you....she's just being herself. She's a good person and her store is something you have got to see for yourself. You will love it!

We had a good laugh about that. It means a lot to me that my customers trust me to be truthful and as helpful as I can be. I do my best to accomplish that every day.

My blog entries may become even more vague and/or sparse but those who know Tattered Rose already know. Those who haven't been in yet, will still be able to get a sense of what's in store for them (pardon the pun)

One last note:  Exciting things are afoot for the won't want to miss any of it!

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