Thursday, April 5, 2012

Snow Day!

We here in Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding areas are having a HUGE snowstorm!!!!!  Our winter was unusually and relatively mild and lacking in white precipitation; however, in the last week, we have had 2 snowstorms, this one being the if anyone is wondering why I am not at my store today, this should give you a clue......?

What will I be doing with my unexpected day off, you are wondering? You'll find me in my back yard, playing with the sheep and giant cats I found wandering around in the snow, wearing crowns from the shop, of course.
Aprils Fools!  (today would make a better April Fools Day, no?)


  1. Great pix! I was taking pix, too, today! So beautiful. It'll be gone by tomorrow..... Spring time in Alberta, how exciting! Can't wait to come in and see your new stuff with my own eyes.

  2. Fabulous photo, glad you captured that moment.

  3. Fabulous photo, glad you captured that moment.
