Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Fantasy of Grey Gardens

By now, anyone who knows me or has read my blog is familiar with my love of old, decrepit, tattered and torn things.

I found these photo's of set designs from the HBO movie "Grey Gardens" starring Drew Barrymore & Jessica Lange, which I have yet to see. My first impression is an overwhelming feeling of "Wow, that looks amazing!", especially the scratchy old paint and the way the painting is just kind of leaning....and the finish on the old piano...oh my!

Now you may think I have gone too far in my love of shabby things, but I want to let you know that I could NEVER actually LIVE in a place like is just fun to look at the pictures, and imagine what the lives of these 2 women must have been like. Yes, I am romanticizing here, but sometimes reality is not as fun.

Just wanted to share these photo's with you. Call me crazy if you will, but I love 'em!

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